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The General Assembly (A.G.) is the body which deliberates and decides on all the major themes of the activities of the CGECI, and elected delegates from enterprises, personally, as a member of the national Council.

The National Council (C.N.), is the body that defines the strategy, policy and general guidelines of the CGECI. It elects the President of the GECCI.

The Director General (D.G.) which provides administrative, technical and financial management of the CGECI, under the authority of the President, supported by an Administrative Director. The permanent (C.P) Commissions have a consultative role.

The Exécutive Direction (D.E.) provides administrative, technical and financial management of the GECCI, under the authority of the President, supported by an Administrative Director. The permanent (C.P) Commissions have a consultative role.

At the statutory level

  • Uphold freedom of enterprise and the market economy;
  • Ensure the necessary cohesion of members;
  • Issue its opinion on economic and social questions;
  • Strengthen social dialogue with the social partners, the State and the development partners;
  • Represent and defend the companies as well as adherent organizations professional members of the GECCI ' among the public authorities and joint national regional and international;
  • Its members all support and services to increase overall effectiveness;
  • Communicate any information intended to promote and develop the private sector.

At the operational level

  • Mobilize and engage strongly, at the policy and decision-making levels: companies can be members;
  • Make themselves heard and our goals: contact must be a statutory obligation for employers. Put in synergy lobbying of network capacity, exercise a real counterweight to the public authorities;
  • Unite to offer the best: allowing the President to establish a cohesive team to ensure the mandate entrusted to him. Deciding and decide together: establish collegial decision-making;
  • Protect themselves and to project: continuously monitor strategic in order to influence the management action or define new directions respecting ethics and moral values.

At the functional level


  • Flexibility. The GECCI is an oriented organization services rendered to members;
  • Expertise. The CGECI is given sufficient and appropriate means of intervention to provide direct services to support/advice to members;
  • The proximity. The CGECI prefers the proximity with its members;
  • The development. The GECCI aims to create a network of relations and cooperation with employers at the sub regional and international levels;
  • Global involvement. The GECCI maintains a presence in regional (WAEMU, ECOWAS) instances and international (EU, WTO, ILO,...), heard the voice of the legalistic private sector and is involved in decisions regarding the development of enterprises;
  • Reactivity: the CGECI works to strengthen relations with the social partners, to prevent conflicts and promote social dialogue.

Due to its statutes of May 9, 2005, the Confederation General des enterprises de Côte d'Ivoire (GECCI) is a union between the professional groups, trade unions and associations of industry, trade, services and agriculture, governed by the Labour Code.It has the task inter alia of:

  • Upholding the freedom of enterprise and market economy;
  • Ensure the necessary cohesion of the members;
  • Issue its opinion on economic and social questions;
  • Strengthen social dialogue with the social partners, the State and the development partners;
  • Represent and defend the companies as well as those adhering to professional organizations members of CGECI, among others, the public authorities and joint national, regional and international organizations;
  • Its members all support and services to increase overall effectiveness;
  • Communicate any information intended to promote and develop the private sector.

The evolution of the representation of the Ivorian employers went hand in hand with the economic development of Côte d'Ivoire.

Thus, the largely informal association of enterprises of the years sixty to eighty, of an economically emerging Ivory Coast, has succeeded today, the General Confederation of Ivory Coast companies (CGECI).

The CGECI was born in 2005 from the restructuring of the National Ivorian employers Council (NFC).
The NFC, created on December 4, 1993, in accordance with title II of Act No. 64-290 August 1, 1964, concerning the Labour Code, has been officially registered by the Mayor of the city of Abidjan under receipt no. 012/MVA/SG1/94 of 30 June 1994.

The Council is the successor to the Union Patronale de Côte d'Ivoire (UPACI), dissolved on 20 October 1993, for structural and financial reasons.
The NFC was an association of nine working group’s representative of the major business sectors. Each group consisted of at least 30% of the companies employed more than 20 per cent of employees and was required to generate at least 50% of the turnover of its sector.
In 2005, the General Assembly of the NFC, with the mind of its heaviness and its weaknesses, admitted the need to provide a holistic response to the challenges of the business environment and globalization.Therefore, the gathering of the private sector in a representative organization of the economic weight of the world of business in Côte d'Ivoire has proved essential.
The NFC becomes CGECI, a union association, professional groups and individual companies from all sectors of activity.

Continue, finalize and implement the restructuring of the NFC to mobilize and involve highly, both strategic and decision-making, a network of entrepreneurs and businesses strong and representative of the legalistic private sector economic and social weight. Together we therefore transformed the status of our organization that has now become CGECI (the Confederation General of companies of Côte d’Ivoire) and which requires that the spirit of solidarity and unanimity which presided over its creation be maintained, strengthened and used wisely to synergy defense and lobbying of this network capabilities. Members being the reason for any employer organization, this choice must enable us to benefit from the action of the CGECI both in terms of the defense of the interests of the company and the development of its activities. Our CGECI offers us the opportunity to establish a new vision of solidarity experienced by businesses relying on members very engaged in the service of which, a rational and effective communication plan will be established to make their voices heard in all media, independently, as the single voice of the private sector legal and legalistic.

For this purpose, membership base has been expanded so that the opinions and concerns of all sectors can be taken into account.Now the company can directly join the CGECI, as well as associations and labour unions, is so closely involved in the activities of his organization. This action will be permanently under tense by a business intelligence combined with the vigilance of the Ethics Committee so that the GECCI is a credible interlocutor able to exert a real counterweight to the public authorities in the strict respect of its rights and obligations.

To enable everyone to join, contributions have democratized and a slice was scheduled for companies who have a turnover inferior to 2 billion CFA francs. To maximize their contributions a tailored range of services will be offered by a competent team whose experience will be constantly enriched with regular contact with you. I therefore expect you at the end of the date limit of accession planned for June 10, 2005 that you join massively in the CGECI, and the ordinary General Assembly, which will be scheduled in the days following the establishment of statutory bodies, having regard to the number of delegates who will participate, be one of renewal and hope.

Dear friends, the union makes the force, and then all live the company!

CGECI © 2014, tous droits réservés."