The Ivorian Ministry of industry and Mines, in collaboration with the Confédération Générale des Entreprises de Côte d’Ivoire (CGECI) and the national Office of technical studies and development (BNETD) organizes this Wednesday, June 10th , 2015 at 4 pm at the Cabinet of the Ministry at the Plateau, the launch of the Yopougon industrial zone land use study.
The objective of this project is to study comprehensive and reliable occupation of soils of Yopougon industrial zone. It is to identify exhaustively the occupants of industrial zones and their activities; determine the actual area occupied by the operators by surveys of the plots. Also, it will allow identifying undeveloped plots, assessing and recording evidence of human occupation of industrial land and finally, to develop a database coupled with cartographic information to facilitate the submission and handling of all information collected.