The Ministry of health and the fight against AIDS, through the National Fund the struggle against AIDS (NFSA) recently distributed 650 million CFA FRANCS to the actors in the fight against AIDS.
This ceremony, under the chairmanship of Minister of health and the fight against AIDS, was held in the presence of the development partners. It was total of 58 projects from the Public sector (sectoral committees and regional committees); private sectors that were financed represented by the Coalition of companies of Côte d’Ivoire against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (CECI) and civil society. These projects relate to important programs, among others:
- Prevention among young people in schools for 103 establishments, initiated by the DMOSS (Direction at the Mutualité and social works in schools), to reduce risk behaviours.
- Prevention among men and women in uniform areas south, Centre, North and West, under the coordination of the sectoral committees of the Ministry of the Interior and security, and the Ministry in charge of defence.
- Prevention in the world of work (Public and private), involving the sectoral committees of the ministries of the economy and finance, Budget and public service as well as CECI.
- Care and support for the PIAVIH (people infected and affected by HIV), provided by 30 NGOs in areas south, North and West.
- Support for the coordinating decentralized through 3 regional committees. The allocation of these resources to the actors took into account national policy and the results of the EDS CI 2012 (survey demographic and health) that were used to identify areas of South, Central, North and West as priority areas because of the persistence of relatively high prevalence or progress more or less marked the epidemic and weak coverage in community services.